Who is RKSV Foundation?
The RKSV Foundation Ltd was incorporated with Australian Company Number (ACN) [625678122] in QLD on 19th April 2018. The organization is a not-for-profit and has applied for registration as a public charitable organisation with the ACNC (Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission).
‘RKSV’ stands for Ramakrishna Sarada Vivekananda. The Management and Members of the RKSV foundation are inspired by the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, Saradadevi and Swami Vivekananda wherein the importance of serving humanity as manifestations of the Divine is emphasized. For the time being, RKSV Foundation works under the auspices of the Vedanta Centre of Sydney, a branch of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission of India.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to bring about harmony and betterment in the lives of people through Cultural Enrichment
Our Purpose
The purpose of RKSV Foundation is to provide the following broad Cultural activities:
- Provide cultural teachings and run classes for children and interested adults based on the Vedas and the epics known in India
- Teach, celebrate and perform cultural dances and music
- Prepare cultural food and specialised cuisine
- Explore ancient cultural beliefs and customs.
- Conducting regular conferences, lectures, study sessions, and workshops on culture
- Invitation of scholars, researchers, and spiritual authorities to present and share their works and experiences
- The teaching of yoga, meditation, and alternate offerings of life coaching services
The activities are financed mainly by organizing cultural events, workshops, and fundraising programs. Public donations are also sought.
Our Philosophy
The defining motto of the Ramakrishna Math & Mission guides our service philosophy:
‘For the liberation of the self and the welfare of all – Atmano mokshartham jagat hitaya cha.’
In other words, service to all humanity is our core vision as enunciated by Swami Vivekananda.
We firmly believe in the unity of existence and enrichment of culture is provided irrespective of ethnicity, gender, religion, race, or political persuasion.

Key Features of the Ramakrishna Math & Mission:
- Strictly apolitical conduct of activities and avoidance of populist publicity.
- Financial accountability through detailed records of the sources and utilization of funds.
- Reaching out to the most needy through careful field surveys.
- No discrimination on religious, ethnic, sectional or other grounds.
- Involvement of local people in planning as well as implementation of specific programmes.
- Rapid and efficient provision of services and use of current technology wherever feasible.
- Time-bound programs and avoidance of ‘indiscriminate charity’ to prevent wastage of resources and dependence among beneficiaries.
- A participatory approach involving volunteers and technical experts.
- Focus on development through cultural awareness.